What is mantra? What are the significant importance of mantras?
Mantras are derived from veda and vedas are ancient hindu religious texts, where each veda plays different roles in our daily lifestyle.
Mantra, is divided into two parts,
1) manana (???)
2) Tran (?????)
"Manana" "trana" is called "mantra"
"Manana" is refered as understand, analyse and feel that too from inner core of our heart, where as "tran" referred to bridge. We all know the meaning of bridge but here, this word bridge is referring to bridging between inner core of our heart & feel the inner core of it. This is called mantra.
In VEDA we can find millions of mantras and each mantra has its own significant uses.
Lets elaborate it bit further, mantras are divided to different branches.
1) simple mantra
2) beej mantra
3) tantrokta mantra
4) bedokta mantra
5) gayatri mantra &
6) mala mantra.
Simple mantra, these mantra are basic mantra where each individual can chant without any supervision of guru, bacause an energy that are generated from simple mantra are minor energy which doesn't do any harm but we all must be aware of using it correctly.
2) beej mantra, before knowing beej mantra we need to understand the meaning of beej, beej is referred as seed, imagine a plant become a tree without a seed of it, which is impossible. Where is in beej mantra it had complex ancient textes are used and those complex texts actually push mantras to works rapidly. We need to chant these mantra with supervision of guru as incorrect pronunciation of beej mantra has very less positive effect.
3) Tantrokta mantra, before knowing and understanding this mantra we need to know what is tantra and how it works. Tantra is something that we desire to achieve something that too rapidly in a matter of lighting second, tantra can be fruitful and on the other hand it can be harmful as well. As we already know how tantra works, tantrokta mantra uses complex ancient hindu religious texts by understanding, analysis and feel the current situation, and can being positive outcomes towards each individuals, but at the same time it can be used for individuals rapid downfall aswell.
We all need to be very cautious while using tantra and tantrokta mantra and it can only he used by professionals. Under no any circumstances, it can't be used without the proper guidelines by guru or guru must be physically present at the time of tantrokta mantras are used.
These mantras generate huge energy that too in a lightning second and if it is not used according to our shastra, a person who is using it will suffer a lot of downfall and sometimes a near death experience.
Why? Mantras actually generate an energy and those energies are coming from universe, normal human body cannot cope huge energy if they don't knowledge how much energy is actually generated and how much energy are needed.
Tantokta mantra can be used on these circumstances such as,
1) An individual's each and every doors are shut down and doesn't seem to have any espace.
2) A person suffers from huge financial problems, mental health problems and wants to commit suicide.
3) One person's act can have huge negetive impact towards whole family.
4) Any individual see complete blindness and darkness on their life.
Examples above were just an example but not limited to when tantra and tantrokta mantra can be used.
4)Bedokta mantra
The mantras in the Vedas were discovered or experienced by the wise people in the past. These mantras contain timeless truths that have always existed. These mantras are highly complex and it needs huge Sanskrit fluency and high vocabulary is needs.
5) gayatri mantra
These mantra is directly came from veda, each god or each planet has own gayatri mantra. These mantras are used to create positiveness & it is mostly used at the end of while worshiping any god or planet.
6) mantra mala
Any mantras that has more then 21 ancient texts are called mantra mala. These mantra are lengthy and also time consuming while chatting, it uses all form of ancient texts, such as simple, beej & gayatri mantras.
In conclusion, we understood the actually meaning of mantra but we should be very careful and cautious while chatting and using any mantras. Mantra can provide position outcome towards each individual, we all should be focusing on actual pronunciation, vocabulary. We all also must aware about when & how to use it. If we don't know the how to use & the outcome of mantras we all must seek proper guidelines from guru. Without proper supervision if we use any mantra it can actually be more harmful then we have ever thought.