Kathmandu: The Government of Japan has decided to extend grant assistance of up to four hundred and twenty-four million Japanese Yen (¥424,000,000), equivalent to 385 million Nepali Rupees to the Government of Nepal for the implementation of the Project for Human Resource Development Scholarship (JDS). H.E. Mr. KIKUTA Yutaka, Ambassador of Japan to Nepal, and Mr. Arjun Prasad Pokharel, Secretary of the Ministry of Finance signed notes to this effect today.
The JDS grant offers Nepal’s young government officials two-year Master's Degree courses and three-year Doctoral level courses in reputed Japanese universities. The Government of Japan has received more than 140 Nepali government officials to Japan. After completion of studies, the JDS Fellows are expected to engage in formulating and implementing socio-economic development plans and evolve as leaders in Nepal, as well as contribute to the expansion and strengthening of friendly relations between Japan and Nepal.
On the occasion of signing the notes, Ambassador Kikuta announced that the Government of Japan has revised the Development Cooperation Charter, which articulates the basic policy of Japan's development cooperation, and Japan would implement development cooperation in a more effective and strategic manner in order to actively contribute to ensuring peace and prosperity of the international community.
Ambassador Kikuta also mentioned that basic policies of the Charter point out the importance of constructing strong and resilient countries through "investment in people" such as strengthening individual capabilities. Therefore, “JDS will contribute to Nepal's development by ‘investing in people’ exactly in line with the revised Charter. I hope that the grant assistance we are signing today will help even more Nepali officials to improve their capacity and contribute to encouraging the development of Nepal,” the Ambassador said.
The Embassy of Japan is confident that the objectives envisaged by the JDS will be achieved, and contribute towards further strengthening the relationship, friendship and cooperation between the peoples of Japan and Nepal.